Class 7: Words
2:00 PM14:00

Class 7: Words

Today’s class covers chapter three of Interpretive Objects, which focuses on the application of the theory of interpretive objects to the ontology of words - an issue that turns out to have surprising connections to thinking through issues about meaning and context-dependence. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 8: Persons
2:00 PM14:00

Class 8: Persons

Today’s class covers chapter four of Interpretive Objects, which focuses on the application of the theory of interpretive objects to questions about the boundaries of persons in time, space, and mereology - including to traditional questions about personal identity over time. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 12: Judicial Review
2:00 PM14:00

Class 12: Judicial Review

Today’s class covers chapter seven of Interpretive Objects, which begins to apply the theory of interpretive objects to the philosophy of law. This week, we consider what the theory of interpretive objects can add to our understanding of judicial review. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 13: Respect for Precedent
2:00 PM14:00

Class 13: Respect for Precedent

Today’s class covers chapter eight of Interpretive Objects, which continues to apply the theory of interpretive objects to the philosophy of law. This week, we consider what the theory of interpretive objects can add to our understanding of the doctrine of stare decisis when applied in horizontal contexts, as when the Supreme Court respects its own past decisions. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 14: Meaning
2:00 PM14:00

Class 14: Meaning

Today’s class completes our coverage of Interpretive Objects with chapter nine, which returns to the question about what meaning is and how interpretive objects are connected to inherent meaning. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 15: Polarization
2:00 PM14:00

Class 15: Polarization

Today’s class wraps up the semester and returns to complete our coverage of When Things Get Personal with chapters 11-13. While chapter 12 will be familiar to you by now as a brief introduction to how the theory of persons as interpretive objects is supported by the argument of the book as a whole and chapter 13 draws some concluding lessons, the main new topic for today concerns how the dynamics of discord can change when we bring a third person into the equation, with applications for contemporary political polarization. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 6: Interpretive Objects
2:00 PM14:00

Class 6: Interpretive Objects

Today’s class covers the chapters five through seven of When Things Get Personal, which focus on three new applications and consider various ways in which the signal/noise distinction might be easier to apply than I claim it is. Click through for the assigned and recommended readings.

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Class 5: Value and Agency
2:00 PM14:00

Class 5: Value and Agency

Today’s class covers the chapters eight and nine of When Things Get Personal, which again focus on some new applications but also argue more substantively that the signal/noise distinction is informed by balancing agency against the good, in our interpretations of others.

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Class 1: Introduction
2:00 PM14:00

Class 1: Introduction

Welcome to the Phil 501 course calendar. You can follow along with all of the assigned, optional, and also recommended reading here, as well as keep tabs on which topics you are interested in, if you are an interloper who only intends to join us for some of the time. Click through on the date on the calendar for the day’s plan and links to all of the associated readings.

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