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Sorry! Everything after this date on the calendar is under construction. Check back soon to see if more material has been posted.
Our written final exam will be in our usual classroom. Bring something to write with.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
And that’s a wrap. For today’s final class, we’re going to reflect on what we learned this semester, and all questions will be taken.
For our final reading of the semester, we’re going to return closed circle to the question of whether we should uncritically accept our loved ones wherever they are. Barrett Emerick is going to argue that we should neither uncritically accept people where they are nor give up on them if where they are is morally problematic, but engage with them in a lifelong project of what he calls “moral solidarity”, trying to help them become the best versions of themselves.
Today is an eligible date to submit a Weekly Reflection. You are not required to do so this week, but the sooner you submit five, the sooner you are done. Click through for details.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
Jen’s Student Conversations Hours follow from 12:00-2:00, also in STO 115.
Closure on a conflict might not come in the form of forgiveness and reconciliation. Today we’re going to spice things up and think a little bit about revenge.
Our second topic on moving forward from conflicts concerns how to think about forgiveness. Today’s reading is about what it means to forgive. Click through for more.
Today is an eligible date to submit a Weekly Reflection. You are not required to do so this week, but the sooner you submit five, the sooner you are done. Click through for details.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
Jen’s Student Conversations Hours follow from 12:00-2:00, also in STO 115.
Today we turn from thinking about how to manage ongoing conflicts to start trying to think about how to move forward from conflicts, which will be our topic for the remainder of the semester. We start by trying to think a little bit about apologies. Click through for more.
This is the final day of our brief unit on how topics in political philosophy can help us think about managing ongoing conflicts. For today’s reading we turn to the topic of the ethics of war. Click through for more.
Today is an eligible date to submit a Weekly Reflection. You are not required to do so this week, but the sooner you submit five, the sooner you are done. Click through for details.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
Jen’s Student Conversations Hours follow from 12:00-2:00, also in STO 115.
This is our followup discussion of the Quarrels and Wisecracks lecture from Monday. Click through for more.
This is the final day of our brief unit on how topics in political philosophy can help us think about managing ongoing conflicts. For today’s reading we turn to the topic of the ethics of war. Click through for more.
The deadline for your paper proposal is today. Make sure that you have read the final paper instructions and click through here for more details.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
Jen’s Student Conversations Hours follow from 12:00-2:00, also in STO 115.
Today we continue our unit on looking to some of what political philosophy can teach us about managing difference and conflict. For today’s class we will be reading about the idea of political liberalism. Click through for more.
Today is the deadline to have completed three weekly reflections out of your five required for the semester. Click through for details.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
Jen’s Student Conversations Hours follow from 12:00-2:00, also in STO 115.
In this section of the course we are turning to consider some ideas from political philosophy about what is required to get along with one another in the face of disagreement both about what we want and also about what ways of getting along together are even the fair ones in the first place (when we disagree about what is “just”). Click through for more.
The topic for today’s class is preparing for the final paper. Click through for instructions and details.
Assignment #3 is due today. Click through for instructions. You may also submit a weekly reflection for this week, though that is optional.
I hold open, walk-in, office hours from 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays, unless I’m traveling for work and an exception is noted on this calendar. You don’t have to have a specific problem with your class homework to come in and chat - in fact, I’m much less likely to be busy if you don’t wait until an assignment is due.
Jen’s Student Conversations Hours follow from 12:00-2:00, also in STO 115.
Today’s reading is perhaps the one all semester that is most explicitly about the topic of interpersonal conflict. We’re going to try to think about whether it is possible to give a rationalizing explanation of how well-meaning people who genuinely care about one another can end up in persistent conflicts.
Okay, this week we get to the awkward part of the semester where the professor assigns some of his own work. Sorry! Click through for more.
Today is an eligible date to submit a Weekly Reflection. You are not required to do so this week, but the sooner you submit five, the sooner you are done. Click through for details.